Back in the good old days when computers could only count only to 10, cameras were simple optical devices with one or two pieces of glass called lenses and a film roll. This made our lives easy because if you were on a vacation you could take only 24 photos because that was the size of one roll. Now however, thanks to Bill Gates, Steve jobs and the guy next door who wears fat rimmed glasses and studies at IIT/MIT, computers have gotten smaller, so small that they dare to fit in all the cameras making them sophisticated pieces of equipment. Not that I hate what technology has done for us, but consider how complicated our lives have become. Just after returning from a vacation I realized that my camera had more than 500 photographs. Previously, you would pick and choose which moments were worth capturing on a photograph, but now you capture even your dog yawning.Pet dogs get more photos shot than Aishwarya Rai must have when she became Miss Universe. Well, getting back to the story, I realized I had to transfer all the vacation photographs on my hard drive (which will eventually crash) or on a DVD(which I will eventually lose). So, I get the DVDs from the store and hook up my camera to my laptop. Then I realize that I can be more creative and add captions to the photos, reduce red eye, maybe put some horns over my sister's head, replace the landscape etc. All this effort just to dump all these photos in the DVD which will be kept in one corner for the rest of my life. Unlike the old days when we would get a print copy of all our photos and keep them around us in the form of photo frames or albums, now they are just dumped in folders beneath folders on our computers. That is not what bothers me the most though, its the diarrhea of photos that are posted 24 hours on the social networking sites. Squiggly and disgusting insects would be the happiest of the species on earth getting so much importance.
How hard can it be to pick and choose what you want to shoot, print all your photos leaving the innocent insects to squiggle around and die to a HIT spray!
1 comment:
Super post brother.. love the analogies you have used. Vacations are no longer spent in making memories but instead in capturing them.
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